Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fitness Center Tip #15

Ten Easy Ways to Make Exercising a Habit
by SrA Megan Buffington

1.       Perform a variety of activities you enjoy.  What’s the point of doing anything if you don’t enjoy it?  Exercise should be fun! You also have to change up your routine in order to see progress. Your muscles get bored doing the same motions repetitively for extended periods of time. Your friendly fitness center staff is always available to provide you with new ways to switch up your exercise routine.
2.       Ask a friend.  Human beings are social by nature.  Having a friend work out with you will help keep you motivated.  Exercising with a partner affords more variety options to your exercise routine and vice versa.  Having a gym buddy means you can also participate in one-on-one sports such as tennis or racquetball which are great for cardio and help build better coordination.
3.       Make exercise a daily priority. Never sacrifice your exercise time.  If you let yourself put it off, you may never get a consistent routine built.  Occasionally, you will need days off for your muscles to repair and recuperate, but this only takes about two days.  Plan your routine according to your weekly work schedule to make it easier for you.  Make your days off your rest days.
4.       Exercise in the morning. Summer heat here in Idaho can be dangerous. The coolest part of the day is in the early morning. If your schedule permits, go to bed and wake up earlier. It’s not good to eat before you workout, so make sure you have something available afterward.  Set aside something to eat the night before for you to grab on your way out the door.  Working out in the morning also makes you more productive during the rest of the day, getting your blood flowing, waking up your sleepy brain, and making you more alert and focused.
5.       Try exercising on your way home.  Some folks aren’t morning people and that’s understandable. Bicycling, running, jogging and walking are all great ways to get exercise on your way home and save on gas. If you do plan to exercise on the way home, be sure to stay hydrated during the day. The hottest hours of the day here are between 1400 and 1800. The last thing you want to do is experience heat exhaustion or, even worse, heat stroke.
6.       Exercise even if you think you’re “too tired.”  It might be only day three into your new routine and you may still feel sore from days one and two, but don’t be discouraged.  Chances are you’ll feel better after exercising.  Just remember to take things slow and easy in the beginning. Too much too fast will cause injuries.
7.       Write down your activity. Log what is important to you such as how much time you exercised for each day, how many steps you walked, your weight, etc.  Your Gunfighter Fitness Center has several incentive programs available to help you log your progress. We provide everything from running, walking, swimming, climbing, lifting, and cycling.  Incidentally, if you meet the goals on the incentive forms, you’ll receive great prizes!
8.       Remain aware of your progress.  Don’t become complacent with your workout. Listen to your body and you’ll start to notice changes. You’ll start to notice you have more energy, lower resting heart rate, ability to think more clearly, and you’ll feel less sore after other activities such as mowing the lawn or moving furniture.  It is also great to hear the doctor congratulate you on improved cholesterol levels, blood pressure, bone density, triglycerides, and blood sugars.
9.       Try to walk more and use a pedometer. Most smartphones have a free pedometer app you can download.  Track your daily progress and try to find more ways to incorporate walking into your routine. For example, park in the spaces farther away from the store or restaurant. Instead of just putting the dog in the back yard to do its business, take it out for a stroll around the block.  This will help both you and your pooch live longer and healthier.  It will not only make you healthier and live longer but your pooch as well.  Every extra step counts.
10.   Reward yourself once in a while.  Behavior changes are difficult.  Rewards are good motivation and can engrain positive feelings toward exercise. Make attainable goals like walking a mile a day for a week.  Once you reach your goal, treat yourself.  Go to a movie or purchase new pair of shoes, for example.  Use anything you enjoy as a reward so long as it doesn’t distract you from your exercise routine.