Friday, August 17, 2012

August 2012 Golf Pro Tip


Scott Halleran
 Staying Cool in the Summer Heat
by Stephen Vedder
Silver Sage Golf Professional

Summer is the prime time to play golf, but…sometimes the high temperatures can pose some problems in your golf game.  The biggest issue relating to your scores in high temperatures is the tendency to lose energy late in the round which may result in making lazy swings or bad decisions.  Here are some tips to help you beat the heat and finish strong. 
  1. Wear light, unrestrictive clothing.  All of the major apparel manufacturers offer lightweight breathable tech fabrics that wick away moisture and keep you cool in the heat of summer.
  2. Never eat a heavy breakfast or lunch when playing in the heat.  Foods high in fat will slow you down even further in summer heat, and taking a nap on the tee can’t be good for your scores.
  3. Start steady.  Try to maintain an even keel throughout your round.  Don’t start off super aggressive, full of energy, and then fade slowly throughout the round.  Conserve your energy and maintain a consistent pace throughout.
  4. Play smarter not harder.  Take less aggressive lines off the tee and avoid getting yourself in trouble.  Looking five minutes every shot for your ball in thick weeds and having to come up with an exit strategy puts you under stress which saps your energy.
  5. Focus on your shots, then relax in between—don’t try to maintain firm focus for five hours.  No one can sustain for that long especially on a blistering hot day.  Focus when it is your turn to hit, then put the club back in your bag and relax until it is your turn again.
I hope these pointers will help you beat the heat and go low when the temp is high.  Happy golfing!