Monday, September 3, 2012

Fitness Tip #16

Gun Slinging Fit-to-Fight Tip #16
by A1C Rochelle Caindoy

Summer is at an end, and fall is right around the corner.  September is here which means the beginning of school for the kids. Even though the holidays will soon be here and bikini season is at an end doesn’t mean you can’t plan ahead for next year’s summer season. Keep exercising and stay on a healthy diet so that when spring creeps around the corner it will be a breeze to stay in shape!
Before you workout, make sure you perform your dynamic stretching also known as a warm-up. Once you are thermally ready, after about 5-10 minutes, you are ready to workout. Please note that these exercises should not be done unless you are in good physical/medical standard and have cleared all medical conditions which may become worse by doing these exercises. If you have any questions about these exercises, the Gunfighter Fitness Center Staff will be happy to answer or demonstrate them for you.
Here’s our full-body workout prescription.
·        Crunches - 2-3 sets/10-15 reps (abdomen and obliques)
·        Push-ups - 1 min
·        Lunges - 1 min
·        Right oblique crunches - 2-3 sets/10-15 reps
·        Push-ups - 1 min
·        Jumping Squats - 1 min
·        Left oblique crunches - 2-3 sets/10-15 reps
·        Push-ups - 1 min
·        Butt Kicks - 1 min
Deep-Dish Apple Pie