Monday, March 5, 2012

White Water Winter

White Water Winter
by Josha Brown, Asst. ODR Director

    While some people are hitting the ski slopes and others are snowshoeing through the hills, the Outdoor Adventure Program is beginning our white water rafting season.  If you are new to the base or haven’t been active with OAP in the past, we offer an excellent volunteer opportunity of becoming a white water rafting guide.  Our volunteers train on the water in March and April to prepare for the upcoming customer season.  To become what we call an “active” boatman, you need to make a minimum of 6 out of the 14 training trips in order to put in adequate time to learn the ropes and get comfortable in the rafts and in the water.  Once we work through the training season, volunteers are welcome to come out every Saturday and Sunday that we have rafting trips.  This is an excellent way to become involved, meet people with the same interests, and, most of all, have a blast all summer long.  If you are interested, stop by Outdoor Recreation and we’ll get you started.

   If becoming a guide isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, we start taking limited customer trips mid April.  On these early season trips, you will get a snapshot of what our guides go through, and observe some of our training techniques.  By the beginning of May, our full customer season is under way and the real action begins as the water starts to rise.  Rafting is a great way to get out and see Idaho and to get your blood pumping along the way.  When you think white water rafting, Idaho is a great place to be.  This summer, let OAP be your go-to place.